Monday, 2 March 2015

Sibling Influence on Alcohol and/or Drug Use

I believe apart from parental influence on deviant behaviour of children, adolescents siblings have an influence as well. In the article "Sibling Influences on Adolescents Substance Use: The Role of Modelling, Collusion and Conflict" written by Sabrina Low looks at the influence older siblings have on younger siblings substance abuse. 
Substance use often begins in the adolescence stage, and the act of an older sibling engaging in such activity has an influence on younger siblings. Younger siblings observe the behaviour of older siblings, which may lead to curiosity of substance use earlier than anticipated if the individual had not had an older sibling. 

The article states in a sample of high school students, sibling alcohol use had a stronger association with adolescent alcohol use than parental alcohol use. The Learning Theory can be applied in the influence older siblings have on their younger siblings, due to the observation younger siblings have on their sibling. I believe younger siblings observe the behaviour of older siblings in the way the act and speak. For example, an older siblings language is influencial on younger sibling language, such as swearing and explicit conversation. If older siblings behave deviant, such as partying, a younger sibling will take notice of this as well. Older siblings should be mindful of the influence they have on their younger siblings. I believe siblings are not in control of what one another decides based on what learnt behaviour they have possessed. A younger sibling most likely looks up to their older sibling, and may mimic their behaviour, older sibling deviant behaviour may be substance abuse.

This photo is an example of two brothers. The older brother has his arm around his brother showing him his affection, and handing him a ball. Picture the ball being a beer or cigarette- whoa! Sibling deviant behaviour influence. 

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